Friday, December 31, 2010

the support is there! Lets do a show!

As of 1:00 am 12/31/2010

516 Facebook Followers
100 Responses on Survey monkey
26 Followers on Twitter

We have more than cleared our goal of 500 before the new Year! You guys so totally rock! This is awesome and exciting!

This makes it official. the Fan Support is there, now to pull in the sponsorship and support to make sure the show has the production value worthy of the material, and that our artists, performers and craftsman can be fairly compensated for their craft, energy and skill!!! We will also be putting together the money to make sure the folks over at Time Science Blood Club can make sure the original creators see their share!

We'll be working hard on that the next couple months before we start Auditions and casting!

Thank you again for your continued support... AND of course if you or anyone you know have a business, or organization that would like to sponsor, advertise, invest or become involved in the production in some way, please contact us!

Email to: or

We'll send you information about sponsoring or investing in the show...

Heres to a NEW YEAR!!!


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